Single weigher with one vibrator that is used to create doses from products that need to be weighted.
It consists of:
-Inox hopper with stirrer (if needed) and level sensor that gives order to the elevator to start or stop feeding.
-An inox vibrated scoop that carries the product to the weighing bucket.
-Inox weighing bucket.
And works as follows:
-The product that is going to be packed is transferred to the weigher's funnel from the elevator or the user.
-The stirrer helps the product to be transferred to the vibrated scoop.
-The vibrated scoop transferes with two speeds (weight approach, weight completition) the product to the weighing bucket.
-When the product's weight in the bucket reaches the preset weight the dose is released.
The system is available with control panel and pedal for orders when it works individually. Otherwise, all the function's settings are made from the control panel of the packaging machine. |